In early December of 2014, Stacy arranged a crafts fair with our amazing friends who are artists. Instead of buying from retail chains, our community of buds had the option to buy arts and crafts from each other for their holiday gifts. Live music was provided by musician friends. And Santa Claus came, making all the children very happy.
Day of the Dead
Kate's Grandmother - Margaret Fuchs
Sunday, November 2nd 2014, Kate and Stacy hosted a Day of the Dead party. Friends brought photos of loved ones who've died, and put them on an altar. They also brought their dead relative's favorite food to share. We lit candles and picnicked on the patio together.
Alternative Medicine Workshop
Stacy organized a workshop of Alternative Medicine. She asked Kate, Jacqueline Gabardy, and Catherine Oyster to present on their different fields of interest. Kate presented on Ayurveda and shared a recipe for Mung Dahl Soup and Three Seed Tea. Catherine talked about different natural beauty products, and showed the group how to make Tumeric Milk. Jacqueline talked about Chinese medicine, made everyone an asian pear dish and ginger tea, and also gave a cupping demonstration.
Our friend Rebecc Leib, who works with Atlas Obscura asked us if we would do the event again for Atlas Obscura. A few weeks later, we did!
The Pyramid
Kate and her brother, Matthew, built the bamboo pyramid in the front yard. They found the bamboo for free on Craigslist, and learned how to lash it together by watching a little British kid on YouTube.
Their friend, Kandonache (an Aztec priest), performed a blessing ceremony. Kate, Stacy, and several friends danced around the pyramid while Kandonache played his small guitar, made out of an armadillo shell. He then had everyone place crystals around the pyramid to create a Hopi medicine wheel.
The vines growing on the pyramid are passionfruit vines.
The Painting on the House
Kate painted the painting on the front of the house. She found on old painting on the street, along with some broken frames. She painted "The Perpetual Mother" over the abandoned painting - in honor of the many Virgin icons in Echo Park. She varnished and painted the broken frame pieces, to make a new frame for the painting. She gave the baby red curls in honor of one of the landlords' sons, who passed away.
Gardening House Warming
In June of 2014 (ish) we had a gardening party as a house warming. Friends brought draught resistant plants and painted paint sticks with their names. They stuck the sticks next to their plant, so they can easily find and check in on their plant each time they visit.
Hive House is Named for its Bee Hive
Hive House is named for out bee hive. Our hive was wild caught by our friend Aaron Murphy and gifted to Kate. Bees need water and flowering plants. When providing water for bees it's important to give them a beach of rocks, or sticks, so they don't drown when they land to drink. Bees love lavender, sage, and rosemary - all of which are draught resistant plants.
Hive House Before and A Year Later
With the help of her family and a few professionals, Kate has been able to use mostly reclaimed materials to renovate the home she's renting - which is where Hive House resides. She and her friend Stacy open the home to fellow artists, writers, musicians, healers and native people to share information and support each other in their passions and in their lives. It has been a year since she moved in.