Hive House was created by Kate Purdy and Stacy Elaine Dacheux. Kate and Stacy are close friends who share interests in art, writing, environmentalism, spirituality and alternative medicine. They've created a space where friends, with similar interests, can share their knowledge and learn from each other.
Kate Purdy is a writer and performer. Her TV writing credits include UNDONE (AMAZON PRIME), and BOJACK HORSEMAN (NETFLIX). She has written a kids' book called, Rodrigo the Hummingbird. She also studies and practices Ayurvedic medicine, as well as other alternative healing techniques. Painting, vegetable growing, bee keeping, learning about indigenous cultures, and figuring out how to live more sustainably are some of her interests.
Stacy Elaine Dacheux is an artist and writer who was raised somewhere between Massachusetts and Alabama. Currently based in Southern California, her most recent project was featured in the LOS ANGELES TIMES and exhibited in London. Previous publications include : LOS ANGELES REVIEW OF BOOKS, ATLAS OBSCURA, and MOBILIZING IDEAS hosted by The Center for the Study of Social Movements at University of Notre Dame. She is represented by Anthony Mattero at Foundry Literary + Media and is currently working on her first book. More at
Artist and educator, Alex Maloutas is a Los Angeles native. He has taught graphic design, advertising, visual storytelling, and bookmaking at Otis College of Art and Design. He also co-founded the gallery, New Puppy, in Glassell Park, where he curated and hung shows. Alex’s interests include photography, sculpture, cinematography, carpentry, environmentalism, women’s rights, animal rights, poetry, and art therapy. As the artist in residence, Alex has put up three shows: Machines for the Unknown, Pipelines, and Cuba 2017. He has also built a rabbit hutch for natural fertilizer, a chicken coop for the girls, a pond because water is life, vegetable beds, and installed a grey water system.